This morning I managed to up and get my walking exercise done early, knowing that (a) it’s going to rain before long, and (b) today is the day that we’re getting a new furnace boiler installed, so things will be a bit chaotic.
Not to mention, the service guys will have to keep shutting off the water and the electricity at points throughout the day…
So, getting my Day 11 walk in early was a necessity if I wanted to do it without wet feet, and then have a nice hot shower afterwards!
Day 11 of the 4-Week Walk for Weight Loss is another day of fat-blasting interval training, but a little bit different than anything we’ve done before.
Today’s fitness walk is about 30 minutes in total.
Instead of alternating 1 minute of fast walking with several minutes of “active rest,” today we’re taking the intensity up to a level 8 or 9 (about as much effort as you can possibly do without feeling woozy) — but this time we’re not sustaining that fast pace. (Whew!)
5 minute warm-up
increase to level 8-9
4 minutes at level 5
(repeat fast/slow cycle x 3)
5 minute cool-down
As soon as the blood starts thumping in your ears and you feel you’re at that 8 – 9 level of effort, slow right back down to a comfortable brisk walk (level 5) and do that “active rest” walking for 4 minutes. Repeat for a total of three fast/slow cycles.
If you’re in better fitness shape than me, you might need to go up a hill or break into a bit of a jog, to reach that 8 – 9 level. Me, I can get all sweaty and out of breath just walking on the flat, if I really pick up the pace.
That’s not exactly a good thing, of course… but that’s a big part of what the 4-Week Walk for Weight Loss is aiming to change!