Improve an uninspiring view, add stained-glass class to your pad, or just gain a little privacy where plain clear windows leave you feeling just a bit exposed —
Wallpaper For Windows™ is “the easy way to give an ordinary window or glass door a beautiful custom look for a fraction of the cost of real stained glass.”
The grapevine design shown here is Napa, as in the wine-growing valley, but WFW makes designs for every decor and in sizes ranging from a full-scale patio door down to just a modest decorative accent in the corner of a window or mirror.
Sorry, but no handsome craftsmen will visit — you can install a faux stained-glass window by yourself with just a little soapy water. It’s a patented vinyl cling film, removable and reusable! And that means that you can take it with you when you change apartments — no matter how much your landlord might love the tasteful upgrade!