Cartoon by Barbara Smaller

Cartoon: Barbara Smaller

I love this cartoon:

One woman says to another, “My favorite part of being a stay-at-home mom is when they’re at school.”

Oh, c’mon, Mum, are you trying to tell us the thought never crossed your mind?

Not even once at the end of a long summer with three kids who don’t wanna do tennis lessons, Daddy away at work, and that new not-house-trained-yet puppy? (I was there, remember. Kids know these things!)

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Originally published in The New Yorker October 14, 2002 — I think it should have hit the magazine in September, though — the cartoon’s shared here by kind permission.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Sandra

    This cracked me up. Thanks for the smile. :)

  2. Claudia

    I am actually looking forward to going back to work. Shhh….

  3. Dana

    LOL! Tomorrow I’m about to experience this for the very first time as my 4 y/o is staring JK so I am looking forward to being a WAHM without kiddies underfoot.

  4. I think all S-A-H-M’s or W-A-H-M’s can relate to this. *grins* I’m sooooo looking forward to my youngest being in school full-time next year. These half days at Kindy are worse than having him home all the time.

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