Porch Gate for Dogs: Another DIY Triumph!

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No-sag Pet Gates - stonehavenlife.com

houseWho let the dogs out?

It doesn’t matter! because…

He Who Hogs The Power Tools built us this very lovely wooden pet gate for our back porch (or “verandah,” as we usually call it), so the dogs can hang out in comfort and safety, while we do yard work or whatever.

So, the dogs are free to go into the fenced side yard off the other side, if they need to “do their business,” but the pet gate on the driveway side means they can’t get out and run loose in the yard — possibly to get lost or end up on the road or find a skunk to play with.


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The Quest for Dog Beds

I’m probably not the only dog owner who has spent a ridiculous amount of time and effort on making sure her spoiled dogs are comfy.

The best dog beds I’ve found yet – meaning the most practical and durable – are a couple I got about 8 years ago at the hardware store. Basically, they’re bags of chipped foam stuffing inside a zippered cover made of PVC-lined canvas.

There wasn’t enough of the original stuffing, of course, and it all balled up in one corner within a couple weeks – you’ve got to go to the really high end dog beds or a really good crate mattress for adequate stuffing, don’t you find? – but those PVC/canvas covers were pure genius. You can just hose those beds down when they get dirty!

Eight years later, I’m still using those PVC-lined canvas dogs beds (well, the dogs are still using them, to be precise) although I’ve long since swapped out the old chipped-foam stuffing for a few layers of egg-crate foam I got secondhand on Kajiji.

And just today I noticed that there’s a 3 inch gap along one seam, so I’ll need to make a few repairs…

Really, there’s just one drawback:


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Storm's Dog Boots

There have been so many lovely stories of dogs who’ve been helped by the dog boot pattern I scribbled out and posted when I had to make a quick set of winter boots for my greyhound, Casey — it’s really pretty heartwarming.

Old dogs who slip on the ice…
Dogs with injured paws in need of protection…
Dogs with tender toes who are sensitive to cold…
Outdoor sporting dogs who need a little extra warmth and traction…

Like this GSD beauty, Storm, who lives in Canada’s cold far north:

photo credit: YKStorm
photo: YKStorm

Pat‘s daughter took her German Shepherd dog out on a rescue mission — looking for a lost Corgi pup who’d bolted in a panic when he got scared on a trail. The pup was found and brought safely home — “fine and much more obedient after 3 days out in -40” — but Storm lost one of her boots in the snow.

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