crocodile toddler bath towel with hood Why don’t they make fun character towels like this in grown-up size?

The classic hooded bath towel for kids gets a Croc Hunter theme with a pair of googly eyes, long snout, and a big toothy grin… in baby or toddler sizes, or you can choose a bathrobe version.

And if Junior’s not into crocodiles next Thursday? Tell him it’s a rare dinosaur, and carry on with the bath.

$19.99 from the Crafty Ones shop.


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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. domestika

    @silken, thanks for the love – and you *rock* like a yacht in high seas, yourself! (Hope that came out sounding like a compliment – it was meant to be!)
    @Pinhole, I think the croc towel *is* an award, isn’t it? If you’re very very good, someone might make you one… Not me, of course… but someone… ;-)

  2. Pinhole

    Forget all of these awards. Where can I get one of those Crocodile Bath Buddies? My head isn’t much bigger than when I was 4.

  3. silken

    ooppss, I see you’ve already been tagged, sorry, by another rockin’ girl blogger (whom I almost also chose!) :)

  4. silken

    very cute, I love these (for the kids I mean!) :)

    I tagged you as a rockin’ girl blogger. don’t know if you’ll play along, but check it out here .

  5. domestika

    Why, Sharon, thank you!

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