Waverly French Country Toile Black bedding ensembleJust oogle that Black Toile bedroom ensemble, and the Waverly appeal becomes obvious…

When Waverly decided to discontinued their bedding lines in 2005, some home decorators and their clients had a real scramble to find a substitute for that luxurious genteel style.

Oh yes, you can still buy some Waverly home fashions — there’ll be a certain backlog of inventory for some time yet, but we’ve been finding that the choices are very limited and getting more so.

Also, of course, items from discontinued lines can’t usually be returned to the retailer if they don’t fit or don’t suit the room, once you get them home and try it out…

Fortunately, Waverley continues to offer their fabulous fabrics — and aj MOSS has used those fabrics to create their own signature line of comforters, bedskirts, pillows, pillowcases and shams, duvet covers, window treatments and shower curtains… with the coordinating fabrics also available by the yard.

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So, lovers of that luscious French Country Black Toile (count me in!) can still do the bedroom happy dance.

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