dog broomThis just in from Amanda Nicole, our Girl in Vancouver: the Doggy Broom!

With an aluminum handle that’s shaped like a dog leash in zero gravity, and a colourful plastic broom that vaguely resembles a small long-haired dog — dare we suggest that the Scopa Cane Doggy broom (ViceVersa) is the perfect household item for those pet lovers who are severly allergic to fur and animal dander?

[via Brilliant at InventorSpot]

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. domestika

    Andrea, looks like ViceVersa changed its website in the past year, but I’ve just updated the link in the post to take you to the new page where you can buy the dog broom now.

  2. andrea alvarez

    where can you buy these and how much will they cost?

  3. Ellen

    this is just too cute!!!! I need to get one since I have a dog. He will bark his little head off.


  4. GetGoRetro

    This is so “doggone” cute! I will be getting this for my sisters. They will love it!

  5. Amanda Nicole

    Haha, I’m glad you like the brooms, Jen. I thought they were hilarious. Also, extra traumatizing for those dogs already scared of the broom…

  6. domestika

    @beadinggem, thanks! Indeed, you are a Pearl beyond price! I’ll have to see what cat goodies I can drum up for you…

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