Original Hand-Painted Chandelier - Ulla Darni - Azzulina
Swirls of vibrant color with nature-based motifs, for me, on this rainy grey northern day, evoke a steamy romance in a tropical resort… the Mysterious East… or possibly even the garden of Eden… because Ulla Darni’s hand-painted chandeliers are certainly tempting!

Original chandelier sizes range from 18 inches to 72 inches in diameter and are available as bowl or cone shaped glass. Original chandeliers, lamps and sconces can be commissioned with designs that include specific colors, flowers, or even abstract designs. Also, the glass edges can be carved, creating a wonderful, lacy effect.

If you love the non-traditional hand-painted look, have a peek at the exciting original fixtures in the lighting section at Azzulina.com. Inspiring!

Let’s tag this, oh, Home Decor | Lighting.

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