round patchwork box
Sari Silk Patchwork Box

Round, pink box decorated with sari patches with tassel. Delicate gold and silver embroidery, embellished with sequins… 9 cm x 10 cm.

I’m reminded of a Victorian-era crazy quilt in scraps of silk, satin, velvet, and brocade. The embellishment is key — no plain quilting, for example, but a line of fancy embroidery stitches along the seam between patchwork pieces…

DIY Ideas and Resources:

round craft boxes There are instructions for creating a cylindrical box in the book Creating Books & Boxes: Fun and Unique Approaches to Handmade Structures by Benjamin Rinehart, published in 2007 by Quarry Press.

No time to build from scratch? Paper mache craft boxes might be a good starting point… but recycling is even better. I understand that Quaker Oats come in a cylindrical box that’s suitable for making pinhole cameras, too, not to mention a good excuse for making a batch of oatmeal cookies

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You’d want to be careful with any padding, and the thickness of the fabric scraps used, to make sure that the lid would still fit. I’m inclined to think that making a round box out of heavy cardboard would be just as easy in the long run.

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