ID Patrol GiveAway

If you’re pressed for time today, you might want to skip right down to the nitty-gritty on a free ID Patrol trial giveaway, because — you’ve been warned! — I’m going to ramble on a bit here first. On the other hand, if you’re getting ready to pack up the kids and head out on a road trip, here’s what I’ve been thinking lately about the risks and perils of leaving home:

Photo credit: jetalone

You know how, smack in the middle of vacation season, we always seem to get a parcel of warnngs about staying safe when you travel?

This year is no exception.

Home Security

Insurance companies are always telling us how to help reduce the chance they might have to pay out on your householder’s policy, and there’s good advice to be had there.

After all, these are experts in risk reduction, and they’re motivated to help keep your stuff safe. They’ll tell you all about making your home look as if someone’s still home, when you’re off on vacation: put lights on timers, cancel the newspaper delivery, and get a trusted neighbour to bring in your mail, all that sort of thing…

And just in case there is a break-in while you’re away, you’re supposed to hide your valuables in some clever place that bad guys will never guess.

I have a friend who puts her few bits of heirloom jewellery in a zip-lock baggie and stashes it in the bottom of the kitty litter tray! And a fellow beekeeper I know once hid his valuables in the middle of a busy bee hive.

Can you beat those ideas for exotic safe hiding places? I’d love to hear!

Personal Safety

And then there are all the caveats about not flashing a wad of cash when you’re on the road, not leaving goodies in sight in a parked car, carrying your passport and credit cards in a hidden travel pouch under your clothing, not getting friendly with mysterious strangers in hotel bars in Tangiers, and so on and so on.

Continue ReadingID Patrol GiveAway

Garden Giveaway Winners

We have our Garden Giveaway contest winners! Email addresses of our 3 winners have been pulled from our usual Mexican basket-hat by He Who Hogs The Power Tools, and the lucky ones have been notified of their great fortune:

Thanks to Comtech, a CatStop goes to JCF (who apparently has a very specific pesky stray cat in mind for discouragement), a SquirrelStop to Queen Marlene (her songbirds will be happy!), and a SlugsAway goes to Peggie (they say everything is bigger in Texas, so I don’t want to see her slugs!).

Thanks for playing! Your prizes will go out in the mail this week, so cross your fingers for prompt and efficient postal service… And for others, less fortunate, who must now weep over their pest-ravaged gardens in disappointment: Better luck next time! And there will be a next time, you know it!

Original post 27 May 208

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