A particularly geeky pal of mine just emailed that he’s finished building a giant Starship Enterprise out of LEGO®, and that got me thinking… those plastic building blocks aren’t just for adults with a limited social life… What a cool theme for a little kid’s bedroom!

Kid's Club ChairI’d start with 18-inch carpet tiles in bold primary colors, a kid-sized club chair with good solid lines, and perhaps a bright red duvet set on the bed. Patchwork pillow shams and bedskirt, in rectangles rather than squares?

If the bed itself was nothing very special, I’d paint it up with blue, red, yellow, white and green on the headboard, foot board, any exposed side rails or posts.

Actually, a captain’s bed with drawers underneath would be really cool here, with each of the drawers painted in a different LEGO-type color. High-gloss or melamine paint for durability and shine…

The truly ambitious decorator might even cut huge circles of foamcore board, like real estate signs are made of, and mount it in pairs on block-painted sections of wall to simulate giant LEGO blocks.

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LEGO storage box Absolutely, I’d want to build a custom lamp for the bedside, using the real-life building blocks!

I noticed that the online LEGO store also has block-shaped magnets which would be fun to use on a wall-mounted magnetic whiteboard… and an official LEGO® storage box to hold the toys!

Technorati tags: LEGO Home Decor.

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