Caffeinated Soap Shampoo and coffee do not mix well. Not in a mug or in the mouth, anyway, although I’ve heard of brunettes who rinse their hair with strong coffee to enhance the colour…

My point is —

In a more perfect world, I’d love to figure out how to have that first essential morning cup of coffee and a refreshing wake-up shower, both at the same time. One possible solution? Caffeinated soap.

No, seriously.

It’s at BalmWorks, sold as singles or a set of three, with each bar of delightfully caffeinated soap going for about the price of your upscale mocha-latte. Or a couple large double-doubles over at Tim Horton’s. Or a small package of ready-ground coffee beans at the supermarket.

H/T to Cali Lewis for this one!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Claudia

    GENIUS. Fucking GENIUS! * claps her hands with joy *

  2. Claudia

    That’s it, I am SO freakin’ going there and buying a bar RIGHT NOW!

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