Bed Sheets with Stash Pockets

Can we forgive a semi-tacky website, if it’s showcasing a very cool product? Yep, when it’s NeatSheets –  “as seen on TV,” as the saying goes. And what the heck are NeatSheets, you may well ask?

Fitted bed sheets with a side pocket!

Two pockets, actually, with elastic at the top… a bit like some models of recliners are made with a pocket on the outer side to hold your magazines and empty chip bags. Same concept. Except, of course, in a fitted sheet.


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Cuisinart Coffeemaker Broke My Heart

guy drinks coffee aloneLess than two years ago I saw, I fell in love, and I bought – for close to $100 at the time, much more than it costs today because of course they dropped the price since then, darn it! – the sleek retro stainless steel Cuisinart DCC-1200 Brew Central 12-Cup Coffeemaker.

Don’t make the same mistake!

But let’s go back to the rosy, sweet, early days of my appliance relationship…

Right from the start, I loved the Cuisinart’s retro-nostalgia aesthetic – the rounded edges, the cool on/off toggle switch, the low-profile buttons for self-clean and setting the timer clock – enough to cheerfully overlook some of the many design flaws you’ll find other DCC-1200 owners sounding off about in the customer reviews on Amazon.

Oh,  just a few small annoyances at first…


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