Blame the UPS delivery guy. I had every intention of eating a nice nutritious lunch today, something green and lo-cal and full of vitamins… but then a sample package of Ferrero chocolates showed up at the door. What’s a girl to do?

Ferrero Rondnoir And they were the new Rondnoir rich dark chocolates, too. Made in Germany where — I think you’ll agree — they do know a thing or two about rich dark chocolate.

Now, it is a fact that all good chocolate is tasty.

But consider the concept of a tiny hazelnut-sized nugget of semi-sweet dark chocolate, nestled in a creamy dark chocolate enough to make you weak at the knees, and the whole thing wrapped up in a delicate wafer shell — how on earth do they do that? — all covered with nummy chocolate sprinkle-things like some kind of over-achieving truffle. (I did share with He Who Hogs The Power Tools… truly… one. )

Here’s why I’m telling you all this:

If you’re quick, you might be able to snag your own free samples of Ferrero Rondnoir, just by filling in a quick survey over at iVillage (ends 11/30/07).

And should you think of these foil-wrapped nuggets of joy as a brilliant stocking-stuffer… don’t forget that Ferrero is giving a portion of its Rondnoir sales to fight childhood hunger in those far more deserving and needy.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Carla Chadwick

    I actually thought I smelled chocolate coming through my monitor as I read your post. (How sad is that?) Naturally, I hopped right over to iVillage to fill out the survey form.

    Thanks for your post welcoming me on the Authority Blogger Forum. I appreciate your kind words and look forward to reading your blog. :-)

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