While we’re on the subject of Halloween, I’ve just come across a little treasure trove of creative ideas and advice on materials for making Halloween Costumes on the Lucy’s Fabrics blog, like this —

Halloween Costume Fabrics at Lucysfabrics.comWitch: Witch: There are lots of options in the shop for a witch costume. You can use black glissenet and also the black gothic script would make a great witchy cape.

There’s lot of inspiration to be had, just browsing the selection of specialty fabrics:

  • Realistic faux lizard-skin to make a dragon or dinosaur suit?
  • Stretch velvet in lustrous black for Catwoman?
  • Flesh-toned lining fabric, to make your sheer “I Dream of Jeannie” outfit into something legal to wear in public?

How did I not know about Lucysfabrics.com before?

There’s a terrific range of unusual fabrics, and some trims and notions that can be hard to find; they’ll ship to customers worldwide; and the prices are very reasonable. Check out the Sale page, too!

Let’s tag this, oh, Sewing Halloween Costumes.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. domestika

    Thanks for the tip – browsing is the best source of ideas, isn’t it?
    :-) Jen

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