For $9.95 a month, you can get personalized diet advice from your camera phone. Bizarre but true, and just crazy enough that I’ll bet it actually works!

The idea behind MyFoodPhone is that you take a picture of whatever you eat — meals, snacks, whatever you stuff in your face — and send it to the service. A nutrition advisor will look at the food and give you personalized feedback — a pat on the back or a slap on the wrist. Diet education, motivation, advice, all through your telephone. What an amazing world we live in…

Don’t have time to drag your tail to Weight Watchers meeting?
This might be the answer!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sharon

    I know you can do everything with your phone these days, but this is a new one to me. I think taking the picture would be enough to put me off eating something that’s not good for me – and I’d save the time I might have spent on food preparation or going to Weight Watchers.

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