New to the paper arts? Quick-start your first decoupage project with Decopatch kits if you like, for convenience and a boost of confidence.

Decopatch® is a playful adaptation of the French word découpage, or découper, meaning to cut out. It is the creative art of assembling, pasting and varnishing paper cut outs to decorate objects, from simple designs to complex works of Art.

decopatch decoupage craft supplies
It’s a single-brand source of decoupage supplies, all the craft glues and finishing products you’ll need, as well as a beautiful array of designer papers and paper mache shapes to decorate.

The way I see it, a line like Decopatch takes a lot of the what-product-will-work guesswork out of a new craft technique.

How-to books and decoupage project ideas are available as part of the Decopatch line, but I have faith — even if you’re a decoupage beginner, once you get started you’ll quickly gain confidence — with no shortage of creative ideas for surfaces to decorate with glorious pattern and colour!

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