If Elvis Presley ever came across F. Scott Fitzgerald’s assertion that “there are no second acts in American lives,” then he certainly wasn’t listening… While Elvis Presley passed away 30 years ago, on August 16, 1977, it’s safe to say that Dead Elvis, the icon, is still with us.

In honour of the 30th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s passing, the CBC’s Sean Monkman put together a little quiz to rate your knowledge of that enduring icon of American rock and roll history.

  • Why did Elvis have a meeting with U.S. President Richard Nixon, back in 1970?
  • Which song put The King back at #1 on the international hit parade, 25 years after his death?
  • True or False? John Lennon once said, “Before Elvis, there was nothing.”

Call yourself an Elvis fan?

There are 10 tricky questions might test that claim… you can take the Elvis quiz here to earn your stripes.

Technorati Tags: Elvis Presley, Elvis, quiz

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