Handcrafted items from around the world are on offer — to fair trade shoppers around the world — through the members of the Fair Trade Association of Australia and New Zealand, where I’ve been browsing this evening.

fair trade handicrafts

Explore the FTA and experience the colours and textures of fair trade handicrafts from Peru to Nepal, from Ethiopia to India, all for the greater good…

The crafters get a fair price for their labour, and we get an international bazaar of exotic gifts, toys, clothing, textiles and home decor, brought to market by Ethica Accessories, Fabric of Life, Global Conduct (one of my favourites!), Justice Products, Oxfam Trading, Planetwise Paper, The Dharma Door, and Tribes and Nations.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Fair Trade Gifts

    I totally agree with LA on this. I think the fair trade business is truly responsible consumerism. I sell Eco Gifts and Eco Products I make sure that my suppliers are well taken care of. My Fair Gifts provide poor countries with a means to supprt themselves without exploiting cheap labor. I consider it my business’s responsibility to ensure that the Fair trade products that I sell come from reputable cooperatives that give their workers a decent wage. In the end everyone wins. Plus, I like the green and purple bag as well.

  2. BB

    [link] a perfect site to sell used furnitures and household items and post ads on household services like interior designers, architects and drivers

  3. LA

    I think supporting Fairtrade is one of the best ways we can be conscious consumers. It makes sense to add some protections to the free market and encourage people from the poorest countries to learn skills and gain knowledge to support themselves and their community. The fact that the Fairtrade organisation is not a charity I think is a very important part of it’s effectiveness.

    And …I so want that green and purple bag!

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