knitted fox scarf type stoleMy sister was totally traumatized one night, when we were kids playing Hide and Seek, when she came face-to- beady-glass-eyes with Aunt Dalia’s old fox fur neck piece, hanging in a dark closet.

So this Vegan Fox definitely has Sis written all over it — especially as she’s now become the undisputed Queen of Knitting in our family!

This is a non-violent interpretation of a fascinating artifact from the ’30s: the fox stole, complete with beady eyes and dangling paws. Most of the final impression comes from the judicious yarn choices.

The design is by Marie-Christine Mahe, and the free knitting pattern is at

Hat tip on this to not martha, who did her own variation on the pattern to make a faux-y fox stole for her mother (who is a storyteller; and how cool is that?).

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