Product + product = wild new idea. Young Italian designer Paolo Casalis does some interesting math… and solves a nagging party problem:

How do you make your pad look festive for a party, without a lot of clean-up afterwards?

And, during the party, how do you protect your nice furniture from food and drink spills by sloppy guests?

Closed, Paolo’s Party Napkins look much like any other package of paper napkins. Open it, however, and you find one large (80cm x 80cm) 3-ply coloured paper canvas. Multi-coloured squares (like a 1980s’ disco floor, says the artist) are the starting point, where each coloured square can be torn off the main piece like a perforated paper towel from its roll.

You can use it entirely as a large cover or tear it and put its pieces upon your kitchen, bed, table or walls, to make your party room look better and to preserve it from dirt and from stains…During the party, people will take the napkins straight from there, ripping the coloured towels and slowly uncovering the room, which will return as clean (but maybe even as ugly!) as before.

Surely it’s only a matter of time before this one hits the party supply stores?
[via truc design].

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