Did you know…?

  • 58% of women sometimes forget to take their birth control pills…
  • 16% of women have pills left over in the package at the end of the month…
  • 72% of women don’t take the pill at the same time every day…

But as your doctor probably explained when she wrote the prescription, “The Pill” must be taken every single day — preferably at the same time every day — or you get that 99% protection that’s one of the major advantage of going on birth control pills in the first place…

Pillpak might help. It’s a pill case that’s specially designed to fit most rectangular packs of birth control pills, with an alarm to remind you to take the pill on time. It’s available in several splashy designs, with the option to chime gently or buzz a real alarm — depending on how much nagging you might want or need.

Technorati Tags: health, gadgets

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