Doan Thuc’s cell phone bagProving once again that the right fabric can make even a simple sewing project into something rather spectacular — Doan Thuc couldn’t sleep, so she just whipped up a little bag for her cell phone.

Her pretty hand-sewn cell bag looks like she folded up one end a long narrow rectangle of material to the same length as her phone (right side of the fabric facing out), then stitched up the sides to make a pocket. The other end of the fabric folds down over the beaded strap to make a flap closure, and the edges are left raw, but zig-zag trimmed with pinking sheers just outside the line of stitching.

No spare beads on hand? A simple white cord would be just as effective as beads for the strap, playing against a strong colour and larger-scale pattern, such as this lime-green flower-print fabric. Or sew this up in artfully aged denim, with fringed edges and any sort of embellishment you might put on a favourite pair of jeans.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. domestika

    I think the bag is very pretty, Doan Thuc, and it makes me think of many variations that would be fun to try!

  2. Doan Thuc

    Thank you so much for writing about my cellphone bag.

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