4-Week Walk: Day 16

September 2007 calendar
Just 30 minutes of walking today, including the warm-up and cool-down bits — and I see that the same walk is on my Prevention.com walking for weight loss calendar for tomorrow as well… and then again later in the week.

This is strange.

Wouldn’t you think, here in the third week of the program, that we’d be asked to really rev up the effort?

To be honest, looking ahead over the calendar… I’m pretty sure that someone at Prevention has made a mistake!

See, this is why the world needs its persnickety editors.
But I digress…

Day 16:
5 minute warm-up
20 minutes walk at level 6
5 minute cool-down

As I say, I’m pretty sure that the Prevention.com site has the exercise program for this week all mixed up, but never mind — I’m going to follow it anyway.

Exactly as written.
To the letter.


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