Real-World Renovation: Brick to Chic Family Room Makeover

Renovation adventures make for lively reading — it’s all the fun of a full-blown home makeover, only someone else does the work and pays the bills!

The family behind Daily Home Renovation Tips sounds a bit like they’ve ended up in the plot of a movie! Just think about it: a major home renovation, semi-DIY style…

One problem….it needed a lot of work. How much work? Let’s just say that after 6 months our renovation continues!

Cheers to the anonymous homeowners for sharing their frustrations and, er, “learning experience” with others who are walking the same road! But we can learn from looking at the success stories, too — the family room makeover, for example, is inspiring:

family room fireplace makeover

So, what happened here?

From a cold pale blue room dominated by a floor-to-ceiling dark brick fireplace, they created a warm and inviting, yet sophisticated, family retreat in up-to-date earth tones.

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Real-World Renovation: 1920s Prairie Box: Painting the Living Room

Renovation adventures make for lively reading — it’s all the fun of a full-blown home makeover, only someone else does the work and pays the bills!

1920s house living room paint color scheme Somewhere out there in rural Indiana, USA, a 1920s foursquare house is getting a major makeover.

Although is is in very good shape structurally, the previous previous owners (PPOs) had very bad taste and strange ways of making improvements. The last owners started to straighten things out, but were forced to relocate before they got very far. My husband and I are working on finishing the job and restoring our home to as much of its original appearance as is possible and practical.

The homeowners are DIYers with ambition, fair skillls, and a good sense of personal style — but even with a clear idea of what you like, aesthetically, and what you want to achieve with your home… sometimes it just comes down to trial and error.

Case in point, redecorating the living room.

Here, the planned colour scheme is just lovely — rich and home-feeling and appropriate to the vintage and character of this old house. But when the gorgeous copper-red paint paint went on the walls, something just didn’t feel quite right about it.

Continue ReadingReal-World Renovation: 1920s Prairie Box: Painting the Living Room