Contentment is a lovely hum of happiness la la la that plays in the background as the days gently unfold… a soothing, pleasant way to live. But without a nagging discontent of some sort, how can we move forward to something more, something better, something even more fulfilling?

Being contented is no way to get ahead in this world — and I am ridiculously contented with my simple little life la la la

Time for a kick in the pants!

When life coach Thea Westra tagged me for a goal-setting meme, then, I knew it would be difficult. A meme does take a lot of time, too. But I’ve never gone wrong yet in following a suggestion that comes from Thea…

My Top Three “Gotta Get It” Life Goals

We are supposed to give 5 to 10 big shiny sparkling over-the-rainbow, pie-in-the-sky, marvellous, life-altering goals, according to Alex Shalman’s official rules for this meme.

As Thea put it,

Here are my top 5 to 10 goals that I gotta’ get so that I can truly say I have achieved my wildest dreams in life. These are best, most exclusive, and over-the-top goals that I can pick off my goals list.

But honestly, I think I’ve done quite brilliantly here, just to shake off the Curse of Contentment (inertia?) enough to define three major “gotta get” goals.

So here they are:

1. Financial security
would be high up on the list…

Please note that we’re not talking about the bank accounts of the rich and famous, here.

Sure, one is supposed to “dream big” but whatever the driving force for happiness in my life might be, I’ve been around the block know enough to know that the country-club lifestyle is not it for me. Been there, done that, moved to the real country.

Financial security, to me, means being able to order up a load of manure for the garden without consulting the bottom line in my cheque-book first. Or hiring some big brawny guys to come in and prune the apple trees for me, so I can spend that time and energy on something totally frivolous — like training my dogs to do parlour tricks.

It means, above all, being able to pick and choose what projects I take on. I’m heartily sick of writing scripts for documentaries that are someone else’s passion, as glamorous though film work may seem. I would dearly love to be able to say No thanks from time to time — even when no other paying job is lined up to replace it.

My clever plan for achieving that goal? Royalty payments… I want them to continue for years, more of them, and from more sources!

Which leads me to my second goal:

2. Finish this book
that’s been hanging over my head for almost 7 years…

For some reason, although I’m passionately interested in the project, the writing of it has been very hard. It may be partly because I made the mistake of letting people know I was working on it, so now it seems like many eyes are watching the progress (or lack of progress), and partly because my last book, last spring, did not do as well as the publisher and I had hoped it would, so there’s a psychological hurdle to get over. The ever-popular fear of failure. Public failure, to boot!

Around here, we call this state of petrification a case of “deer in the headlights” — a deer on the road will stand still, staring into the lights of on-coming traffic, rather than make a leap for safety. Do I want to be the literary equivalent of roadkill?

Especially when the end is so very near…

I will finish writing this dratted book, and I will be ready to proofread the manuscript by this time next week!

3. Self-confidence
is an intangible life goal, but vital —
and clearly related to my struggle with the aforementioned “dratted book”!

I don’t know what happened… no big crisis or trauma… but somewhere along the line it seems that the habit of negative self-talk took root. (I think it feeds off a streak of perfectionism that’s grown stronger through the rough-and-tumble of the years, combined with that freakish Canadian-female need to please everyone on the entire planet.) So I need to re-learn that it’s okay to stumble, as long as themovement is still forward in a spirit of discovery.

I was bold and fearless, once — could’ve been a pirate, truly! — nothing daunted!

I will be so again.

Right now, I’m fearlessly tagging just a whole whack of interesting bloggers for this meme (you can check the rules here) —

(Forgive me, gang, but this exercise was so enlightening and productive, I feel the urge to “pass it forward” with a lavish hand!)

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. domestika

    @Coach, I’m glad to hear you’re up for it — and in the meantime, your 6-year-old daughter’s comments the Easter story is a wonderful smile, so glad you shared it!

    @Sarda, thanks so much for the words of encouragement! I’m going to get right back at ‘that dratted book’ just as soon as I post this!

    (Love the hilarious Darwin Fish Contest entries, by the way!)

  2. Jenny

    Thanks for tagging me! This was such a good project. It was fun, and productive too.

  3. Sarda Sahney

    domestika, thanks for the meme! Re: the book – i know how difficult writing can be but i am sure you will get through it! don’t think about the end result, just one small task on your checklist at a time:)

  4. coach

    Thanks for including me on the list – I will definitely do this but will give it some thought before I do.

    Cheers – Coach

  5. domestika

    @Holly, I’m so glad I had the nerve to tag you, even though we hadn’t been “formally introduced”…

    @Thea, thank you — your encouraging words always make me feel like I’ve just earned a gold star from the Sunday School teacher, and determined to earn another!

    And that is a lovely song by Christine Kane, with an inspiring story in it…

    @Mark, you know I’ve got you bookmarked! It’s always interesting to see what you’ve got to beat your drum about from day to day. Anyone who spends any time online can profit from your useful blog, and be entertained at the same time!

  6. Mark

    Hi domestika! Thanks so much for placing me on your list. I’m currently working on my own version of link love, so I’ll definitely be passing it forward.

    Do keep in touch!

  7. Thea

    You’re such a star, Jen.

    Your goals are beautiful and I know that each will be accomplished in no time.

    Have a fantastic weekend and thanks for getting so many people in action, deliberately creating and designing wonderful lives.

    You will love this very inspiring tune
    Right Outta Nowhere, by Christine Kane.
    Here are a few of my Daily Success Habits.

    Namaste, Thea

  8. Holly Schwendiman

    Thanks for the tag! I’ll have to give it some thought this weekend and share what I come up with early next week! Have a FANTASTIC weekend. ;)


  9. domestika

    Melissa, I need you around to keep me looking on the bright side! Sunshine dosage, like your post today – those strong brave little tomato sprouts are downright inspirational!

  10. Melissa R. Garrett

    Re: your first book – But at least you completed a book and had it published, eh? That’s a major accomplishment in and of itself, in my opinion.

  11. domestika

    @Kristen, au contraire! You are more than worthy – can’t wait to read your goals and get to know you better!

    @Kelly, no hurry, my dear – Thinking Things Over is extremely useful in getting the most out of this sort of exercise…

    @Paul/Paula – you’re coming over all Victor/Victoria these days! No doubt it makes for a well-rounded (well tattooed) blogger… I believe that a lot of us will be interested in this opportunity to learn more about the real blogpaul, whoever he turns out to be!

  12. blogpaula

    ooops wrong login…thats was daddy…heres mommy:

    I feel like such a mom today!!!

  13. blogpaul

    I feel like such a mom today!!!

  14. kellypea

    Yaay! I’ve been tagged. I’m on it, but not until tomorrow. Have already checked out many of the others you tagged and I appreciate that you thought of me, too. I’m thinking already.

  15. Kristen

    I feel incredibly honored – and unworthy! But thank you so much for including my blog among these other luminaries! Truly, I appreciate it very much, and will endeavor to deserve it!


    Have a cosmically FABULOUS day!


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