Screaming Heads (Set of 2)

What’s not to love?

Okay, maybe the price, for those of us who err on the side of really really frugal.

But these attention-grabbing Halloween decorations are made of papier mache, which inevitably leads the Artsy-Crafty ones among us to think, hmmmm, maybe I want to try something like that myself…

Screaming heads — not even anything much in the way of miscellaneous body parts to try to create. Just a bit of wire and the dismembered heads (and arms) — how hard can that be?

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Let’s see… Roll and fold some cardboard for a form, mix up the wallpaper paste, and tear some newspapers into strips… Wire for the up-flung arms, so much a part of the “Eeeeek” expression that makes these figures so amusing, and the loopy legs… The feet might have to have some weight added, just to keep the head in balance upright, but maybe not if the bottom was kept quite flat while the papier mache was drying.

Let each layer of glued paper dry completely before adding the next. Here’s a tip —papier mache is still wet if it feels at all cool to the touch. Then finish off with acrylic craft paints. And I’d use play-dough or bread-dough clay or modelling clay for the teeth, just to make the project go a bit faster.

Or you can buy the
Screaming Heads (Set of 2)
from Better Homes and Gardens.

Boo! Home Decor for Halloween.

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